Social Studies Resources
Helping our students become college, career, and civic ready.
Social Studies Content Standards
- Approved Standards-Fall 2019
- Key Differences between 2012 and 2019
- Alignment Tool
- Crosswalk Document 2012-2019
Instructional Materials
Reviewing and Selecting Materials
- Louisiana Annotated Reviews-limited number
- Evaluation Tools
NE Standards Instructional Tools (SIT) Resource-links to activities/lessons for each indicator
NE Framework Documents-
- 4th Grade-Year-long Nebraska Studies Course
- 5th Grade-30 week U.S. Studies Course
- Grades 6-8
- Grades 9-12
Anti-Racism and Equity Resources
Instructional Shifts Resources
Inquiry-Based Learning
- Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries webinar hosted by NDE
- C3 Framework and Inquiry-Based Learning
- C3 Inquiry Design Models an Blueprints
Application of Disciplinary Lenses
Evaluation of Sources
- FAKE: Searching for Truth in the Age of Misinformation
- The Social Dilemma-Netflix documentary
- official trailer
- TODAY show clip Jeff Orlowski, director of “The Social Dilemma,” and Tristan Harris, a former Google employee, discuss the documentary that explores how companies are using psychology to influence users.
- Civic Online Reasoning
Use of Evidence
Communication of Conclusions
Inclusion of Multiple Perspectives
Emphasis on K-12 Scope and Sequence
- Fordham study: Social Studies Instruction and Reading Comprehension--Spoiler Alert! Increased instructional time in social studies--but not in ELA--is associated with improved reading ability.
Strong Civics Connections
General Resources
Social Studies Content Resources
Institute for Holocaust Education Chief Standing Bear of the Ponca-resources for Grade 5 |
Center for Civic Education webinars Election resources from Election resources from icivics Election resources from The Geography Teacher Engaging Students in Civil Discourse |
Student Atlas of Nebraska-resource and lessons for Grade 4
| content including full courses in all 4 discipline areas |