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Educational Service Unit 13

Head Start

The Head Start program was initiated in 1965 as part of a collaborative effort to combat poverty in America.  The ESU #13 Head Start Program serves children birth to five years old throughout Scotts Bluff, Cheyenne, and Morrill Counties in a variety of settings.  The Head Start Program approaches the needs of the whole child and the family by providing health, special services, education, family services, and parent-community engagement in one program. 

The program is funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  The federal resources contribute 80 percent of the cost of a program and the community provides the remaining 20 percent through volunteerism, partnerships and donations.

The Head Start Performance Standards guide programs to provide parent education, comprehensive health services, nutrition, and individualization for children to ensure quality experiences.  These standards were developed through research, evaluation, and a focus on collaboration between Head Start Programs and the broader community.

For more information on Head Start, visit https://www.nhsa.org/


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