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Educational Service Unit 13

Professional Learning


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Our Professional Learning Team works to deliver collaborative learning opportunities to increase district, teacher, and student engagement. In order to do this, we continually: Assess and respond to the needs of the districts served; utilize research-based and best practice models; collaborate use of finances, time and expertise to enhance efficiency and effectiveness; support data-driven decision-making and accountability systems for school improvement including achievement, demographic, process, and perceptual data; develop educators as leaders to increase school capacity; encourage focused and sequential staff development delivery, implementation and evaluation models; advocate for community participation in education; facilitate district ability to continually improve and to fulfill local, state and federal requirements; and coordinate and personalize learning opportunities across the ESU#13 region.
We do all of this because we believe that student learning is increased due to enhanced educator effectiveness and leadership.


Our areas of specialty include:


Assessment & Accountability

Curriculum & Instruction

Student Enrichment Events

Assessment & Accountability Curriculum & Instruction Student Enrichment Events