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Educational Service Unit 13

Professional Learning


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English Learner Program, Services, and Support

ESU 13 supports panhandle schools in their efforts to serve English learners and immigrant children. EL programming addresses the dual purpose of English language development and content standard proficiency for students whose first language is other than English. ESU 13 can provide assistance with identification, assessment, curriculum, instructional strategies, and reporting. Districts new to serving English learners are encouraged to join area districts already serving EL students in the ESU 13 Title III Consortium. The consortium meets several times a year to focus on current research, state and federal policies, and local needs.

Contact Michelle Keszler (mkeszler@esu13.org) for more information.

15 Reseach-Based Instructional Practices

7 Steps to a Language-Rich Classroom

Academic Language

Classroom Instruction that Works with EL's Study Guide from McREL

Classroom "Look Fors" Focused on English Learners

Content Specific English Language Arts

Content Specific Math

Content Specific Science

Content Specific Social Studies

Do's and Don'ts-blog

Do's and Don'ts-list

Common Mistakes

Graphic Organizers and Collaboration Techniques

Teaching Vocabulary

Language Objectives

Levels of Language Acquisition

NDE website including ELA and Math Alignment documents

Supporting English Learners in Content-Area Standards

Top Ten Instructional Tips for Schools With a Low Incidence of ELs


Academic Words and Phrases found in English Language Standards

English Language Proficiency Standards

Regional Alignment Document-This document was created in November 2014. The curriculum materials aligned by our regional ESU cadre members include: Project Talk, ELLevate, Language for Learning, Direct Instruction Spoken English, and E.L. Achieve Systematic Language Development. Most curriculum materials are very comprehensive with multiple skills, so to make the alignment document feasible, the teams most frequently used superordinate categorical terms from the original source curriculum maps rather than each minute subskill and page number. Curricula does not address all standards, nor all subskills within a standard. The curriculum maps are available for review to see details.

El Achieve Alignment Documents from 2017

NDE website including ELA and Math Alignment documents