Staff Resources
INSTRUCTIONS: Please download the PDF file BEFORE filling in the form. Information must be entered while using a PDF application (Adobe, Preview, etc). Once finished entering the information, perform a SAVE AS and rename the file before sending it to an intended recipient.
Employment & Payroll
***ESU 13 WEBLINK*** (Payroll Stubs, W2’s, Leave Balances, Electronic Time Off Requests)
Certified Personal Growth Plan
Classified Personal Growth Plan
Request for Horizontal Advancement
List of Hotels that Direct Bill
Requisitions & Expenses
Expense Reimbursement Claim Form Fill In
Facility Use Application & Agreement Form
Staff Development Training Form
Abuse and Neglect Reporting Form
COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan
Conference Room Reservation Form
ESUCC Cooperative Purchasing Online Marketplace
Maintenance Forms:
Nebraska EduRoam: